Terms of Use

These Terms of Use reflect the rules and regulations of Grammarly Checker. Ensure that you understand these terms thoroughly before proceeding with our service, as they are applicable to all visitors and users of Grammarly Checker. By resorting to our services, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of this website. In case of any inconvenience or disagreement with these terms, you may discontinue the use of our services.


We want our clients to have a user-friendly experience on our website, so, like most websites, we use cookies. It helps us provide various functionalities to meet the demands of our clients. By using cookies, we can ensure that our clients enjoy continuing to use our services.


All content on our website is protected by copyright. Grammarly Checker retains all ownership rights and intellectual property rights of this website. Republishing and repurposing Grammarly Checker's content will not be encouraged. User content derived from the use of our services is to be used solely for individual purposes. Not abiding by these terms will be considered an infringement of copyright.

Removal of Content

We want our users to have a pleasant experience on our website. So any content that is inappropriate or violates our terms of use will be removed from our website. Grammarly Checker values the users' opinions, so if you find any content that is not in accordance with our rules, feel free to bring it to our notice. Our team will look into it and take the necessary action as soon as possible.